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Development Current Projects and interactive maps

The link below will show all the projects in the pipeline, this website is insanely helpful!

Enjoy the learning, they did amazing at keeping us in the loop.


    Clearfield Station

    Transit-Oriented Development

    1200 S State Street

    Clearfield City and UTA have teamed up to create a plan for the site that will best utilize the transit station and create a great place in Clearfield. 

    Not only will the FrontRunner Train connect Clearfield residents to the rest of the Wasatch Front, but the development of this site has the potential to be a vibrant hub of activity and excitement that connects Clearfield residents to each other. This area will be a mix of uses with a large commercial, retail, and office space with a park, more office spaces, and additional residential units.

    Check out these stats!

    • There will be approximately 67,500 sq ft of commercial space
    • There will be approximately 550,000 sq ft of office space
    • The project covers 56+ acres of property
    • The proposed park will be approximately 2.25 acres
    • The project includes nearly 2 miles of new roads, including bike lanes and walkable paths
    • There will be 1,000 residential units constructed as townhomes and apartments
    • This project utilizes a low-impact design for improved stormwater quality
    • The landscaping utilizes drought-tolerant and sustainable plants
    • The cost of construction of the horizontal infrastructure (roads, utilities, park, landscaping, etc.) will be $28 million

    Where is it at in the Process?

    The Groundbreaking Ceremony was on April 25th, meaning the project is underway!

    This project will be built in phases over several years. The first and current phase includes building the roads, walkways, utilities, and landscaping. After this phase is complete, our development partners will begin building the structures.


    For any questions regarding The Clearfield Station Development project, email

    Recent changes to the Utah State Code require amending the station area plan to address a wider service area and to include options for affordable housing and other similar elements. This planning effort will revise the existing Station Area Plan to meet the new state code, while verifying the established vision for Clearfield Station.

    west side of Mabey Pond

    The Lakeside Square Development Project is a mixed-use development located on the west side of Mabey Pond. The project will be built in two phases, the northern section, and the southern section. Construction will begin on the northern section fall of 2023 and last through 2026. The southern section is still in the process of design and will be built in the future (5+ years out). 

    The northern project area includes:


    • 26,500 sq. ft. of commercial space
    • 296 residential units
    • 16,500 square feet of community space (a walking path, beach, kayak launch, plaza/event area, an art plaza, and open space).


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